Chaco Fun.png

“A sticker a day keeps the sanity away.”

Why stickers? My passion for designing these started when I did a 24-day sticker challenge my last semester of college. Every day I would wake up with a sketch idea, work for however long needed to design it, and post a completed sticker design to my Instagram before I went to bed. I probably consumed way too much caffeine and lost sleep, but this pushed me to expand my creativity in ways I didn’t even know were possible! Stickers are meant to capture attention, convey a message, be directed toward a specific audience, and attract customers. What better way to learn design concepts and express creativity than through that? I’ve gotta laugh now thinking on how I probably approached the brink of insanity with my class load on top of this project, but it helped me to explore different styles and double my time efficiency in Adobe Illustrator. All worth it! Now stickers are one of my favorite things to create!